Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

Learn more.Learn more.

School Council

Our School Council is made up of parents and community members.  The council meets regularly to discuss current events and activities held within our schools. You can find meeting dates for school council below, in our school calendar and in the Trojan Times.

We encourage attendance by parents and members of our community, as discussion and feedback are the most important part of our meetings.

We are joined by the administrative staff of W.G. Murdoch School, as well as by teacher representatives and our esteemed school trustee, Norma Lang.


  • Support and enhance student achievement and performance
  • Foster, develop, maintain and reflect the culture of the school
  • Create the forum and opportunity for participation in school-based decision making
  • Seek and represent school community views


  • To advise the principal and the school board on any matter relating to the school
  • A means for parents and community members to work together with the school to support and enhance student learning

2023/2024 School Council Executive


Chair Jeff Wasylucha
Vice Chair Krista White

You can email us at

2023/2024 Meeting Dates

We meet in-person at our school in the staff room and also through Zoom during the meeting.

  • Tuesday October 24th, 2023
  • Tuesday November 28th, 2023
  • Tuesday January 30th, 2024
  • Tuesday February 27th, 2024
  • Tuesday March 26th, 2024
  • Tuesday April 29th, 2024 at 6:00pm - School Council Workshop
  • Monday May 13th, 2024 at 6:00pm - School Council Workshop - VIA ZOOM ONLY
  • Tuesday May 28th, 2024 at 7:00pm

Join our School Council via Zoom at
Meeting ID: 999 5126 9815

Passcode: WGM!


WGM School Council Agenda/Minutes                             Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2024                                                                                                                


Executive Members: Jeff Wasylucha (chair), Krista White (vice chair) (secretary/treasurer)

Parent Guests: Ryan Reed, James Harris, Katie, Liz Graze, Cindy Edmunson, Mark,  Carrie Deboon, Chelsey  Donna Thompson, Kathy Giesbrecht, Kris Stones

Community Guests:

Student Guests:

Staff Members: Karen Fillier, Principal, Mark Robson

Trustee: Norma Lang

Call to Order

  • Time: 6:00pm


Approval of Agenda/Minutes                  

  • Approval of previous month’s minutes
    • Approved by Krista White
    • Seconded by Jeff Wasylucha
  • Approval of agenda as presented
    • Approved by Krista White
    • Seconded by Wasylucha

Meeting Agenda

Old Business – Krista Raised 400$, what to spend money on?  Looking for Math 20 classroom for help in a combined class.  Add to living library, and community forum for help.

  • Volunteer “help wanted” section added to Trojan Times
    • Parents can email school to sign up.

Student’s Report – Student Advisory Committee

  • Not in attendance tonight

Teacher’s Report –.

Presented by:

Mark Robson, 1st year learning support, Ryan Reed commenting on population support for the role.

Principal’s Report –

Presented by: Karen Fillier

- Safe Inclusion school, brainstorming with teachers, form sent out for parent input.

- Camera Installation

- Raffle for TV, what to do with the Funds?

- Email sent March 14th, to Grade 7 parents on behaviour In the classroom.

- Spot check making notes on struggling students.

- Positive rewards for students.

- Progressive discipline, redirecting and lose of privileges for students. 1 class suspension Gets a call home.

- Stop unwanted behaviours, repair damaged relationships.

- Parent's expressing concerns with discipline on Gr. 7's.  Phone calls to parents are happening. Some parents support. Restorative circles of conversations have been had.

-  Ryan - Stating specific group of students

- List of procedure for discipline students, suspensions. Parents are called/notified

- SEP…School Education Plan review.

- CTS modules, tracking Living Library.

- Literacy goal, 39% at or above, 74% are achieving

- Fee's set for the year small Increase.

- Budget - building timetable for next year based on enrollment.

- Students just picked course sheet, Ryan working with Karen for next years Budget.

- Next year timetables will be out In June 15 for staff.

- Ryan - What are the big things for student's programs and schedules?

- Contact Ryan for suggestions:

Trustee’s Report –

Presented by:  Norma Lang 

Chair’s Report –

Presented by:  Jeff Wasylucha

  • Bylaws creation and Council definition April 29 council meet date.

Treasurer’s Report -

  • Total balance available as of June 13/23 is $482.58
  • School Council Government grant is $0 as of now, this grant may be available again this year.

New Business –

  • Review of WGM School Times – New start 7pm
  • Parent engagement at WGM, How to Improve?
  • Substitute Teacher appreciations.
  • Earmark the 500 spend on engagement for Council Bylaws creation.
  • Formal Protocol at WGM– Is not needed in small school settings.

Action Items:

       - Attach Admin Procedure 110 In link with the minutes of last meeting.

            - Parent engagement at WFG, can we use money left over from Grant

            - Bylaws are required, workshop for AB grant will be organized. Update Parent Council meeting New Start  time to 7pm


  • Time: 8:24pm
  • Next meeting: ACSA Work Shop April 29, 6:00pm

March 2024 School Council
Report from Norma Lang, Trustee

WG Murdoch March 26, 6 pm

Ward Boundary Review –

public consultation coming in May– a strategy will be shared with the Board April 11 for dates and places for in person and online consultations in mid May –Board decision on refreshed boundaries / number of trustees will be Fall 2024. More details to share at your April meeting.

Highlights from the March 7 and 21 Board Meetings

RVS Announces its Nomination for the Edwin Parr Teacher Award

  • The Edwin Parr Teacher Award is given annually by the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) to an

exceptional first-year teacher. School divisions across the province nominate a deserving teacher and then

the ASBA zones pick from these nominations to put forward their recommendation for the award.

  • This year’s nomination from RVS is Eeshnah Qureshi, a teacher at W.H. Croxford High School in Airdrie.

Qureshi was nominated for her exceptional drive and commitment to support her students at Croxford,

including those in her English as an Additional Language class.

  • The representative of this year’s Edwin Parr Teacher Award for RVS will be recognized at the Edwin Parr

celebration in Langdon, May 24.

Chestermere High School Students Compete at Welding Rodeo and Skills Competition

  • Each year, the Boilermakers Lodge 146 in Calgary holds a Welding Rodeo and this year students from

Chestermere High School (CHHS) participated in the competition held Feb. 24, in Calgary, placing second.

  • A total of 45 students from six school divisions competed in the event which involved students following a

blueprint designed by Red Seal welders and creating weld sculptures.

  • Many students in the program at CHHS go on to work in the trades. The program prepares them to be

successful, in life and work, with former students often returning to mentor current students.

  • Current students from CHHS presented to the Board of Trustees (the Board) of Rocky View Schools (RVS)

about their experience.

  • This activity connects to several goals and outcomes of RVS’ Education Plan, including building future-ready

students and engaging students in meaningful and relevant learning.

Provincial Budget 2024 Highlights – Full Implications for RVS Not Yet Known

  • Budget 2024, announced by the provincial government Feb. 29, included a 4.4 per cent increase in

education funding to support enrolment growth and students with specialized needs.

  • RVS received funding for five highly anticipated school projects:

o Full construction funding for a Kindergarten – Grade 8 (K – 8) school in South Windsong in Airdrie

o Full construction funding for a K – 8 school in Bayview in Airdrie

o Full construction funding for a K – 8 school Rivercrest in Cochrane

o Design funding for a high school in Southwinds in Airdrie

o Design funding for a Kindergarten – Grade 9 school in Dawson’s Landing in Chestermere

  • A letter expressing the Board’s appreciation for these new school approvals has been sent to the Minister

of Education and the Minister of Infrastructure, as well as the MLAs for RVS’ communities.

  • As the specific details (known as the funding profile) for RVS have not yet been received, understanding

the implications of the Province’s increased education funding is difficult. The funding profile should be

received shortly and will help the division understand the impact of Budget 2024.

Three-Year Capital Plan Highlights Continuing Need for More Space for Students

  • RVS’ Capital Plan 2025 – 2028 requests government approve funding the construction of 10 additional

new schools across the division in the next three years. These are needed to address the ongoing growing

utilization in RVS schools even after the opening of the three recently announced new schools expected to

take place in 2027, the opening of Horseshoe Crossing High School in Langdon in September 2024 and

completion of a previously approved expansion to Bow Valley High School in Cochrane in 2026.

  • Despite recent government approval of construction funding, school utilization is projected to continue to

rise due to ongoing population growth in RVS’ fastest-growing communities of Airdrie, Cochrane and


  • RVS is years behind in government funding for new schools, additions and modular classrooms as approvals

have failed to keep pace with rising enrolment.

  • Each school division in Alberta is required to submit a list of capital requests, in order of priority, by April 1

of each year.

  • The Board will continue to advocate to government to provide funding for new schools where they are

urgently needed in RVS’ communities.

  • The 2025 – 2028 Capital Plan is available on the RVS website,

Modular Classroom Approval Announced

  • As enrolment in RVS continues to rise, modular classrooms are needed to provide appropriate space for

students to learn and achieve their very best. RVS requested 22 new modular units and the relocation of

another 12 classrooms and one bathroom unit to mitigate ongoing enrolment growth until new schools can

be built.

  • On March 14, Alberta Education announced the approval of nine new units and the relocation of one

washroom unit for the division. This announcement is well below what RVS needs.

  • It is unknown at this time when the new units will arrive or when the relocation of the one approved existing unit will take place.

City of Chestermere to be Asked to Expedite School Site Purchase

  • A letter from the Board will be sent to the City of Chestermere urging it to complete the purchase of the

outstanding 7.01 acres of land required for construction of a high school.

  • The public high school site in Chelsea in Chestermere is on RVS’ Capital Plan priority list; however, the City

of Chestermere has not completed the purchase of the entire site from the developer, potentially delaying

government approval to construct this urgently needed school

May 28th Agenda Items

Karen - Budget, The Schedule and School Education Plan 
Jeff - ASCA Bylaw review

What is School Councils Purpose and Procedures?

Administrative Procedures School Councils


Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.